I made the little girl a set of spool dolls that resembled her family and had each family member's name painted on the bottom.
For the little boy I made some quiet puzzles. My friend gave me the idea for these. She copied pictures off the internet of actual puzzles and enlarged them. Then all you do is print off two copies and laminate one, then cut out the shapes of the other, laminate and get some velcro, voila! You could also use magnets. I actually wanted to mod podge the full sheet onto some metal and put magnets on the back of the cut out pieces, but could not find the metal I was looking for at Home Depot! Guess I should have tried Lowes!
Then for both of them I made homemade crayons. These were SO fun to make! I used Kate's old broken crayons, put like colors together, broke them up more and put them into muffin tins in the oven at 250 until they melted. Then I poured the melted wax into insect soap molds.
The one thing I would recommend is to put each color in it's own muffin tin, so you can pour each color individually!